A Day in My Life

Convicted Much

IMG_9367.JPGHave you ever had one of those mornings? You know, the ones when your intentions don’t line up with reality? I am not gonna lie, I have them most days!

First,  Full disclosure:  If you are here, looking for grammatically correct perfection, move along, you won’t find it here! As a home schooling mom of 7, I teach my children all the rules but honestly, when I get five seconds to type something from my cellphone, I am just happy if it sounds co-herent.

If you are looking for politically correct, don’t offend anyone, don’t stand firm in your beliefs, move along.

If you are here, looking for someone who has it all together, you have come to the wrong place!

If you are looking for a hot mess that is just trying to balance being a godly woman, a daughter, a wife, a mom, a friend a somewhere in there still have a moment of me time, I’m your girl! I am just trying to figure it out and I fail…DAILY! Don’t believe me? Just ask my family! Stating with the six year  old……..which leads me to…

Are you convicted much? My morning started with a 6 a.m. workout alarm, which I promptly ignored, because I could not lift my right hand. My fault, who knew picking the pepperoni  off a gluten packed pizza would cause a reaction…..oh wait…I did :/  But  anyway, after having gone back to sleep for a bit and then waking back up to the daily “mom, what’s for breakfast?” apparently I was asked by two children if they could be the breakfast helper. (That will be important later) I put my eye drops in, temporarily blinding myself, stumble around getting dressed and head to the kitchen.

My sweet sweet son Hudson had gotten all the supplies out for oatmeal. I tell how much to add of the items to add and I head off to grab all of my devotions that I have left and personal development items for the morning. I come back to the kitchen and as Hudson is adding the last couple things, my six year old comes in. “Mom, you said I could help make breakfast.”

Hmmm I’m sorry! I don’t remember that. I told Hudson he could help.  I finish instructing Hudson and I come sit down to start my devotions. It’s a book I have already finished but I pick it up again every now and then. I open it and land on day fifteen.


No matter the task, my work ethic remains

PERFECTION! I desire to have a good work ethic! I often struggle with being consistent with my personal development and working by business!

I am highlighting “In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing things well” (Romans 12:6).

YES!! I love this verse! I am an encourager.  God has given me the gift of encouraging. I do this well…this thought is interrupted by the loud whine of Kinley….”MOM, you said I could help make breakfast!” (Yes, those of you that have 7 or more children may feel free to completely judge me for my parenting fail of having allowed children that whine! You are going to want to leave now because I will totally loose my countenance in the next dice minutes)

Kinley, I am sorry. You can help tomorrow.

Screaming begins. Kinley, go to your room. Full on screaming tantrum commenseses! Being the Amazing mother I am….I ignore her because DUH..I am having my DEVOTIONS!

I continue to read….”Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work, planning, knowledge or wisdom.”

Screaming is now LOUDER

Awesome mom, still ignoring….

Michelle Myers speaking to me from the pages of this book….

“Doesn’t this fill you with a sense of urgency? Today is a gift, and tomorrow is not promised. We have to act now. ”

Yes! Yes it does Michelle, I get it!

The screaming is going something like this..mommy lied to me. Mommy Lied. MOMMY LIED TO ME.

“We have to act now. It might not be tomorrow…”


Mommy proceeds to loose it….Kinley, shut up….one of the worst things I ever say. I cannot stand that…..and it should be noted, it does not stop the screaming….

My husband, now disturbed from work comes up from his office to see what could possibly happening to his family.

Ummmm, she’s having a tantrum, apparently I lied to her..

She’s still screaming.

“Well, are you going to discipline her?”

I am just going to ignore her!

I keep reading….

“Whatevever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, and not for human masters.”



I tell this to my husband quite often since his company was purchased. Remember who your boss is. Do your work as unto the Lord!

I apply that for my business 100%

I have Forgotten that with my family! My most IMPORTANT job!!! I AM CALLED first and foremost to be a wife and mother! I am entrustsed to the care and nurture and training of these little ones!

I put my book down. I marched into her room and I scooped her up and instead of diciplining her out of anger, I held her. I hugged her, I loved on her. And then I prayed! I prayed for forgiveness for both of us for being disobedient in our actions and I prayed we would remember each day was a gift, we aren’t promised tomorrow, let us use our gifts and talents to bless others, let is do ALL our work as unto the Lord and let us THANK HIM that his Grace is new every day because I have used it up from the day before!